Hearthstone Village is incorporated under the British Columbia Cooperative Act as an Equity Co-op. This legal structure was chosen to best reflect the values and the aims of our co-op. Sociocracy is the governance model for Hearthstone Village . We are also legally required to follow the BC Cooperative Act and have integrated the Sociocracy model to work within the Act. Sociocracy is a decision making method rooted in the values of equivalency, transparency and participation - “Good Enough for Now, Safe Enough to Try”. The practice of Sociocracy is centered on the following three principles:
- Circles and Circle Processes are the means of organizing and guiding the work of Hearthstone Village. Circles are semi-autonomous groups of members working towards common aims and vision. There are different levels of circles for different purposes within Hearthstone.
- Double-linking between circles ensures effective information flow in both directions. This is achieved by having two people who are full members of both of the linked circles.
- Consent Decision Making means that a policy decision is made when there are no remaining objections from within a circle. Objections are welcomed but are based on how a proposal would be contrary to achieving the aims, vision and mission of Hearthstone Village, not on personal preference.
For more information about Sociocracy, check out the resources below.